2024 - 2028: Deutschland wieder Otterland (funded by German Agency for Nature Conservation BfN)
(with UFZ, coordinated by Deutsche Umwelthilfe DBU)
2022 - 2028: Future Landscapes / Paisajes Futuros - Implementation and Financing of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) by the Food and Agriculture Sector to reduce climate risk and environmental impacts in Latin America (funded by BMWK-IKI)
(with UFZ, coordinated by TNC and in collaboration with ECLAC and Nestlé)
Project leader from UFZ side; research contributions and science-based transfer activities for enabling a wide-scale transition to regenerative agriculture within multiple values chains (milk, beef, palm oil, sugarcane, cacao, etc.) in five Latin American countries (Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Paraguay, Ecuador).
2020 - 2022: Trees on Farms for Biodiversity (funded by BMU ICI)
with UFZ (coordinated by ICRAF)
Project leader from UFZ side; identifying incentive and finance options and developing finance scenarios for trees on agricultural land, case studies in Uganda and Peru.
2018 - 2022: TONINA – Transforming the Orinoquia by integrating nature’s benefits into sustainability agendas (funded by BMU-ICI)
with UFZ (coordinated by GIZ Colombia)
Assessing ecosystem services and identifying opportunities for policy instruments at regional and local level in the Orinoquia, Colombia
GIZ Colombia (2020), Beneficios de la naturaleza en la Altillanura - Oportunidades de acción para su protección y aprovechamiento sostenible
2018: ProAmbiente II (funded by BMZ)
with UFZ ( subcontracted by GITEC and GIZ)
Coordination and lead of a capacity building component for the Dirección General de Estrategias sobre los Recursos Naturales (DGERN) of the Peruvian Ministry for the Enviroment (MINAM)
2018 - 2019: LIFE EuroLargeCarnivores (funded by EU)
with Faktor Natur Consulting (subcontracted by WWF Germany)
Scientific coordination and research lead for th design and execution of a Socio-Economic Impact Analysis (SEIA) related to the presence of large carnivores in Europe.
2017 - 2020: INTERACT-Bio (funded by BMU ICI)
with UFZ as partner in project consortium (coordinated by ICLEI)
In the Indian cities of Kochi (Kerala) and Panaji (Goa), scoping assessment of ecosystem services and opportunities to unlock new or enhanced economic benefits while simultaneously protecting and enhancing the biodiversity and ecosystems; apply the 'ecosystem service opportunities' framework to guide stakeholder workshops an expert consultations.
2017 - 2019: Unlocking Forest Finance II (funded by BMU ICI)
with UFZ as part of project consortium (coordinated by Global Canopy Program)
Development of an innovative model for a green credit line to support sustainable agricultural production in San Martin (Peru); preparation of codes of conduct and an environmental due diligence and monitoring system.
2013 - 2017: Unlocking Forest Finance (funded by BMU ICI)
With UFZ as part of project consortium (coordinated by Global Canopy Program)
Contribution: Leading and managing UFZ contributions, Environmental and social safeguarding in development of financial mechanisms for sustainable land use and forest protection in three Amazon sub-national regions (Mato Grosso and Acre in Brazil, San Martin in Peru), including framework for social and environmental impact estimations and development of Codes of Conduct for agricultural management systems; conceptual support for ecosystem service assessments.
2016: Sustainable financing of biodiversity conservation in German development cooperation
Contribution: Literature review, expert interviews, and writing of a report on innovative financing instruments for biodiversity conservation and their potential for future use in German development cooperation.
2016: EcoValor (funded by BMU ICI)
For GIZ Mexico
Contribution: 3-day training workshop on "identifying ecosystem services opportunities and suitable economic instruments for Mexican protected areas" for local and national staff of the Mexican Commission for National Parks (CONANP) and GIZ.
2011 - 2015: ECO-BEST – Enhancing the Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystems in Thailand (funded by EU DG Devco)
With UFZ as partner in project consortium (coordinated by GIZ Thailand)
Contribution: Leading and managing UFZ contributions to the project; Academic guidance on applying economic concepts for biodiversity conservation and local development; conceptual backstopping for selection and design of economic instruments in three pilot sites in Thailand; guidance for stakeholder analysis and planning of stakeholder workshops; conducting training workshops on choice and design of economic instruments for conservation and local development; presentations at local and national policy level.
2013 - 2014: ValuES - Methods for integrating ecosystem services into development practice (funded by BMU ICI)
With UFZ as academic partner in project consortium (coordinated by GIZ)
Contribution: Analysis of ecosystem service valuations according to their policy-oriented purpose; participation in development of a web-based navigator that provides guidance to practitioners for the selection of methods for policy-oriented ecosystem service assessements and valuations.
2012 - 2013: Guidance Manual for TEEB Country Studies
With UFZ as part of TEEB scientific coordination (for UNEP TEEB office)
Contribution: Chapter lead for developing and writing a guidance manual for national studies on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB).
2011 - 2012: Supporting CBD National Implementation from a TEEB Perspective (funded by BfN)
With UFZ as part of TEEB scientific coordination (in collaboration with CBD secretariat)
Contribution: Academic advisory function for UNEP-TEEB office (Geneva) and international TEEB implementation processes; development of user-oriented guidance for national implementation of TEEB-related Aichi Targets 2,3,11
2009 - 2010: Developing the EU Biodiversity Research Strategy - BIOSTRAT (funding by EU FP6)
Via project partner Median SCP
Contribution: (Co)organization of a workshop on a “European Network of Knowledge on Biodiversity” (Brussels, 2009), the Belgian EPBRS meeting (with the Belgian Biodiversity Platform, Brussels, November 2010), and the “Positive Visions for Biodiversity” Meeting (with Global Voices, Brussels, November 2010). Contributions and reporting of several EPBRS meetings and a strategy workshop.
2009 - 2010: A Special Fund for the Global Taxonomy Partnership (funded by GEF)
Via MEDIAN SCP (coordinated by BioNET International)
Contribution: Preparation of a general concept and a strategic roadmap for fundraising; Research for a marketing and communications campaign; Assessment of positioning within biodiversity & business initiatives; Identification of potential corporate partners and sponsors; Organization of workshop with 30 participants from biodiversity policy in Paris (2009).