
  • Conceptual support for choice and design of policy instruments and financial mechanisms 
  • Consulting and training on applying economic concepts to biodiversity conservation
  • Social and environmental safeguarding in sustainable landscape and conservation financing
  • Guidance for using ecosystem service assessments and valuations as decision support and for environmental advocacy

Acting on Ecosystem Service Opportunities

Guidelines for identifying, selecting and planning economic instruments to conserve ecosystems and enhance local livelihoods

Guidance material and technical reports

Muñoz Escobar, M., Zinngrebe, Y., Borasino Deustua, E., Vaccari Paz, B., Rode, J. (2022), Incentive and finance instruments For Trees on Farms - Instrument portfolio and recommendations for integrated implementation in Peru, Project report for the “Trees on Farms for Biodiversity” project, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) and International Centre for Agroforestry ICRAF).

Rode, J., Khan, S., Kihumuro, P., Okia, C., Zinngrebe, Y. (2022), Incentive and finance instruments For Trees on Farms - Instrument portfolio and recommendations for integrated implementation in Uganda, Project report for the “Trees on Farms for Biodiversity” project, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) and International Centre for Agroforestry ICRAF).

Rode, J., Zinngrebe, Y., Muñoz Escobar, M., Khan, S., Vaccari Paz, B. (2022), Incentive and Finance Instruments for Trees on Farms - A guidebook for identifying instruments and conditions for their integrated implementation, Project deliverable for the “Trees on Farms for Biodiversity” project, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ).

Muñoz Escobar, M., Rodriguez Castañeda, C., Tibavija Cipagauta, R., Rode, J. (2021). Aprovechando los beneficios de la naturaleza. Guía para el desarrollo de instrumentos políticos y financieros para territorios sostenibles. Bogotá: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ & Helmholtz Zentrum für Umwelt Forschung, UFZ, ISBN: 978-3-944280-23-3.

Berghöfer, A. van Zyl, H., Förster, J., Rode, J., Mitlacher, G., Schröter-Schlaack, C. (2020),  Natural Capital in international environmental cooperation: Concepts and applications, Report by UFZ – Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig; WWF Germany, Berlin. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29668.60801.

GIZ (2020), Beneficios de la Naturaleza en la Altillanura - Opportunidades de acción para su protección y aprovechamiento sostenible, GIZ Colombia y UFZ, Bogotá.

Rode, J., Karutz, R., Berghöfer, A., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Flinzberger, L. (2019), Assessing the Socio-Economic Impacts of Large Carnivores in Europe. Guidance document and templates. Leipzig: Faktor Natur Consulting.

Rode, J., Wittmer, H., Bausch, L., Aicher, C. (2017), A safeguarding framework for the Unlocking Forest Finance (UFF) project and its financial mechanisms, UFF Project Report, Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) and Global Canopy Programme.

Rode, J., Eggert, H. (2016), Principles and Criteria for Sustainable Cattle Production in Brazil, UFF Project Report, Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) and Global Canopy Programme.

Berghöfer, A., Brown, C., Bruner, A., Emerton, L., Esen,E., Geneletti, D., Kosmus,M., Kumar, R., Lehmann, M., Leon Morales, F., Nkonya, E., Pistorius, T., Rode, J., Slootweg, R., Tröger, U., Wittmer, H., Wunder, S., van Zyl, H. (2016), Increasing the Policy Impact of Ecosystem Service Assessments and Valuations - Insights from Practice. Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ) GmbH, Leipzig, and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany.

Rode, J., Wittmer, H. (2015), Acting on Ecosystem Service Opportunities – Guidelines for identifying, selecting and planning economic instruments to conserve ecosystems and enhance local livelihoods, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ , Leipzig, URL:

Bausch, L., Rode, J. (2015), Guidelines for estimating social impacts of the UFF transition activities, UFF Project Report, Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) and Global Canopy Programme.

Rode, J., Favero, C. (2015), Green bond certification and the implications for agricultural production standards, UFF Project Report, Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) and Global Canopy Programme.

Wittmer, H., van Zyl, H., Brown, C., Rode, J., Ozdemiroglu, E., Bertrand, N., ten Brink, P., Seidl, A., Kettunen, M., Mazza, L., Manns, F., Hundorf, J., Renner, I., Christov, S., Sukhdev, P. (2013), TEEB - The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Guidance Manual for TEEB Country Studies (Version 1.0).

Rode, J., Wittmer, H., Watfe, G., 2012, Implementation Guide for Aichi Target 2 – A TEEB perspective. German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Bonn.

Rode, J., Wittmer, H., Watfe, G., 2012, Implementation Guide for Aichi Target 3 – A TEEB perspective. German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Bonn.

Rode, J., Wittmer, H., Watfe, G., 2012, Implementation Guide for Aichi Target 11 – A TEEB perspective. German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Bonn.

Invited Speaker

  • 2023: Center for Nature and Climate, World Economic Forum (Geneva, Switzerland): Promoting regenerative agriculture in Latin America
  • 2022: WWF Germany: "Das 'Behaviour Change Wheel' als Analyserahmen für Verhaltenswandel im Naturschutzkontext" (online)
  • 2021: GIZ/BfN workshop: Acting on Ecosystem Service Opportunities (ESO) as a tool to support transformational change (online and Vilm, Germany):
  • 2017: UBA/BMUB: "Ökonomisierung in der Umweltpolitik" (Berlin, Germany)
  • 2017: Umweltdachverband Österreich, "Wirtschaft und Natur Niederösterreich" (see interview on ecosystem services and sustainability in business here) (Austria)
  • 2016: Seminar on Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Biodiversity in China (in Bejing, funded by EU TAIEF)
  • 2014: Seminar "Narrative zu Biodiversität in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit" (GIZ/Ecologic) (Berlin, Germany)
  • 2013: REWE Group-Dialogforum (Berlin, Germany)
  • 2013: Verband Chemischer Industrie (Freiburg, Germany)
  • 2012: Verband Steine und Erden, Symposium "Natur aktiv fördern" (Berlin, Germany)
  • 2011: Primera Conferencia Internacional sobre Servicios Ambientales y Seguridad Jurídica, Decanato de Cataluña del Colegio de Registradores (Barcelona, Spain)

Organization and facilitation

  • 26th Alumni Roundtable on “Business and Biodiversity: The next sustainability challenge”, INSEAD Social Innovation Center, (Fontainebleau, September 2011).
  • Co-organization of the Belgian meeting of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS), with the Belgian Biodiversity Platform (Brussels, November 2010).
  • Co-organization of the “Positive Visions for Biodiversity” Meeting, with the Belgian Biodiversity Platform and Global Voices (Brussels, November 2010).
  • 2nd Intergenerational Encounter for Dreaming Business of the Foundation for a New Ethical Business, on “Values for Nature and Willingness to Act”, in collaboration with Eco-union (Barcelona, October 2010).
  • 1st Intergenerational Encounter for Dreaming Business of the Foundation for a New Ethical Business (Barcelona, November 2009).
  • Co-organization of a workshop on a “European Network of Knowledge on Biodiversity”, with the European Platform for Biodiversity Research strategy (EPBRS) (Brussels, May 2009).
  • Workshop on “Experimental methods in economics” at Mannheim Empirical Research Summer School (July 2009).
  • Workshop on “Ethical business decision making” – in particular a one-day symposium on “Business decision making and the Precautionary Principle” at Universität Mannheim (December 2008).

Invited speaker

  • 2017: UBA/BMUB: "Ökonomisierung in der Umweltpolitik" (Berlin, Germany)
  • 2017: Umweltdachverband Österreich, "Wirtschaft und Natur Niederösterreich" (see interview on ecosystem services and sustainability in business here) (Austria)
  • 2016: Seminar on Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Biodiversity in China (in Bejing, funded by EU TAIEF)
  • 2014: Seminar "Narrative zu Biodiversität in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit" (GIZ/Ecologic) (Berlin, Germany)
  • 2013: REWE Group-Dialogforum (Berlin, Germany)
  • 2013: Verband Chemischer Industrie (Freiburg, Germany)
  • 2012: Verband Steine und Erden, Symposium "Natur aktiv fördern" (Berlin, Germany)
  • 2011: Primera Conferencia Internacional sobre Servicios Ambientales y Seguridad Jurídica, Decanato de Cataluña del Colegio de Registradores (Barcelona, Spain)
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© Julian Rode